Gaza Medic – A War Surgeon’s Story 2024 is a must read which hits you right between the eyes and makes you re-examine the Gaza war everything you thought you knew about the Israel/Gaza conflict
Category: Opinions
From the insightful to the controversial, there’s a lot to say about photography and our editors, writers, judges, travellers and photographers certainly won’t hold back. In ‘Opinions’ you can find out what they think, their travels and finding locations, and how they approach photography, photo-editing and judging photo competitions.
An Atlas of Endangered Species
Every hour, three species disappear and our incredible world is at risk. In An Atlas of Endangered Species, author Megan McCubbin guides us through the facts and arguments. Here we review this book and its contribution to understanding the issues.
Time to wake up and act!
Climate change is real and it’s here now so how do we make a difference as human beings and can photography contribute? Ahead of our new series on climate change, conservation and photography, Photomouth looks at some of the issues.
Ethical Travel Photography & Social Media
Social media and especially Instagram have become a major part of travel as phones make photographers of all of us. But what impact is this having on travel photography for photographers who shoot on a real camera or even work professionally?
Read the rules!
Photomouth – We all love a photography competition. It’s a chance to put your photography alongside your peers and maybe win both prizes and recognition. But there are good and bad competitions so what should you look out for to protect your work?
Icebergs to Iguanas
Photographic Journeys around the World – Wildlife, conservation and National Geographic photographer Jason Edwards’ 30 year journey in photography.
AI and what it means for photography?
Photomouth – AI (artificial intelligence) is causing seismic shifts in the creative world and the implications for photography are huge. What is it and what it could mean for photography?
Real or fake – it’s in the RAW
Photomouth – real or fake? Photo competitions have always had to deal with advances in digital imaging technology as well as imposters. American photographer Kittiya Pawlowski attempted to dupe the photography world with fake and stolen images of snow leopards in the mountains.
Vanishing Cuba
Cuba is a country of contrasts and, in the eyes of the world, known for the cliches of vintage American cars, dance, boxing, cigars and Caribbean colour. We review a book which will tempt any travelling photographer.
Meet the judges: Megan McCubbin
Zoologist and conservationist Megan McCubbin adds a welcome new perspective to this year’s TPOTY judging panel. She is also a talented photographer with a passion for wildlife photography and a keen interest in other photographic genres.
Meet the judges: Chris Rainier
Canadian photographer, Chris Rainier, got his grounding in photography as Ansel Adams last assistant and has gone on to work with National Geographic. He is co-founder of The Cultural Sanctuaries Foundation.
In the days of film the only technology photographers need to worry about was their camera. With digital photography, the camera is just the start – wires, connectors, drives and backup storage becoming a big consideration.
Crossed off the map
Have you every wondered what Bolivia is all about? Have you ever even given it a thought? Well this book, despite its title, will put it on your map for future travels.
An official mugging!
Photomouth three – The ramblings and rants of an opinionated photographer raising photography-related issues – hopefully thoughtfully and sometimes controversially. It is one opinion, which will hopefully resonate or entertain, but is only one viewpoint. Feel free to disagree!
Chasing Lions
As the first in our travel companion book reviews we’ve looked at a fascinating travelogue come inspirational adventure – Chasing Lions by Amanda Marks
Photographing Iceland – James Rushforth
Book review – Photographing Iceland is a two volume guide to Iceland, how and what to photograph there
Meet the Judges: Colin Finlay
Colin is highly respected within photography circles with huge and varied experience collecting prints, stock and competitions. Here his really insightful views on photography make a fascinating and informative read
Time to travel again?
The travel industry has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. We aren’t out of the woods yet either, but at some point we will start to travel again. Is now the time for travel photographers to venture beyond their own borders?
Podcast – Richard Dunwoody
Newton & Coe – Richard Dunwoody is a former champion jockey, adventurer and Strictly Come Dancing contestant. But now he’s a professional photographer. Here we find out about his photography and motivations to carve out a career.
Meet the judges: Chris Coe
As the judging for TPOTY 2021 draws to a close we speak to Chris Coe, TPOTY co-founder and chief judge about how it went, what sorts of images were entered and what the judges made of this year’s entries.
Meet the Judges: Manfred Zollner
Manfred Zollner is editor-in-chief of Germany’s fotoMAGAZIN. His eye for an image has added a fresh and interesting dimension to the TPOTY judging panel since he joined in 2007.