Over-photographed: Havana, Cuba

In part three of our on-going series exploring how to think differently and create something unique in popular photography spots, we take you to Havana in Cuba.

Over-photographed: Taj Mahal

ÔDhobisÕ wash clothes in the River Jamuna as the first rays of the sun strike the marble dome of the Taj Mahal. Agra, India. - TPOTY runner up - People & Places

Part two in our ongoing series exploring how to think differently and create something unique in popular photography spots.

Moments in the grey

Travels with Monty – part two. The trouble with pandemics is they can go on a bit! As a result, my second adventure with Monty was a little later than I’d envisaged and much overdue.

Casablanca’s colour palette

Sea and Hassan II Mosque at sunset in Casablanca, Morocco

A sense of place – Philip Lee Harvey reveals his approach to photography which captures the essence of a destination.

Medium on the move

Are medium format cameras suitable for travel photography? Here we field test a medium-format camera on a shoot in Svalbard.

Human connections

Photographer Trevor Cole with the leader of an Ethiopian tribe.

Photographer-geographer Trevor Cole tells us how he approaches photographing the people he meets in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley and South Sudan, among other travels.

A sex change and a first date

Adventures, scrapes & escapes of a photographer on the road with his companion Monty. Part one – how we got to know each other.

Over-photographed: Jökúlsárlon

TPOTY 2015

Part one in our on-going series which explores how to think differently and create something unique in popular photography spots.

Lonely avenues

© Keith Berr Productions, Inc. 216.566.7950 www.keithberr.com All Rights Reserved

Lockdowns around the world have been shown to work but as fatigue set in, advertising photographer Keith Berr used his skills on a public health campaign in Cleveland, USA

Brief encounter

Ready to explore the jungle and armed with an image of the Congo’s lowland gorilla in his head, Andrew James sets out to get his shot.

Super-size me

A man, a woman, a baby and a dog explore the world in an ex-British army truck converted to a home on very big wheels.