Shoot with a Pro workshop
When & Where: new dates coming soon
Bempton Cliffs, East Riding of Yorkshire, UK, YO15 1JF

Join Chris Coe for a memorable five hour workshop in a superb location as we observe and photograph seabirds on and above the cliffs. We’ll be observing and photographing the seabirds from the cliffs which are on a public footpath going the RSPB Bempton Cliffs. These include Razorbills, Puffins, Guillemots, Fulmar, Kittiwakes, Herring Gulls and Shags, as well as the Gannets.
With winds coming in off the North Sea the birds be seen and photographed both on the cliffs and soaring on these winds. However, it takes a bit of practice as they move quickly, so be prepared for some failures amongst the successful shots!
It is not uncommon to see dolphins, porpoises and whales in the ocean below but they are likely be quite a way away, and probably too far for anything more than a record shot.

At Bempton there are several open fields and meadows along the cliffs. When the wind isn’t too high, late afternoon brings out the owls to start their evening hunting. Both Barn Owls and Short-Eared Owls are frequent visitors and with patience you can photograph these silent hunters. Occasionally birds of prey and deer can also be seen but you have to be lucky.
Some of the seabirds and the owls can move extremely quickly so Chris will help you to set up your camera and show you how to read their behaviour to make sure you capture some great shots.
How many people: Places limited to only 6 photographers. This workshop can be booked on its own or with the Crazy Red Squirrel and Quiet Nature workshops on the previous day.
Price: £ 80. Register for Eye for the Light £60.
If you’d like to book this with the Quiet Nature and Crazy Red squirrels on the previous day then please contact us for a special price.
Register for free for Eye for the Light and get an extra £20 off this workshop.

Location – where is it: RSPB Bempton Cliffs is situated just out of Bempton village, north of Flamborough Head. It is a prime and accessible location to see, get close to and photograph sea birds. Directions
What’s included: Tuition and guidance from Chris, Entry to RSPB Bempton Cliffs, tea or coffee. There will be plenty of time to shoot so we’ll be able to observe bird behaviour to get the best shots..
What you’ll need: A long lens for this one (suggest 300mm or more) but you will still get some shots with shorter focal length lenses too, especially the birds on the cliff tops. Both the seabirds and the owls can move extremely quickly so Chris will show you how to get shots of them. PLEASE NOTE: Drones are not permitted.
Do I need to bring something to eat: There is a cafe at RSPB Bempton Cliffs but this closes around 4.30pm so if you want something after that then bring it with you. We’ll meet and start in the cafe though, so you can fuel up beforehand. After the workshop a fish and chip supper beckons or, by special arrangement, we may be able to eat at the pub famous for homemade pies a few miles away.
Will it take place even if the weather is good: YES. What’s bad weather? When it’s windy the gannets soar and there’s always a photo opportunity!
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Places limited. To book, please select your preferred option from the choices below: