The power of dance shouldn’t be under-estimated as a tool to transform our lives and build self-confidence. It’s used as a therapeutic tool. The movement is very liberating, as well as being good for health and fitness. For the photographer, capturing dance is also a challenge so through salsa we look at both.
All features on Eye for the Light
Last of their kind – Ovahimba
The remote North Western corner of Namibia is home to the Ovahimba people whose origins ostensibly come from the Bantu somewhere in central west Africa. As a result of migrations they have come to settle in Kaokoland in Northern Namibia but are also found in Southern Angola.
Podcast – Alex Outhwaite
Alex Outhwaite is a travel presenter, travel show host and adventurer. She has her own Tv channel and her engaging style gives her some unusual insights into the destinations which she visits, many of them off the usual tourist routes. She’s also a solo traveller with a focus on local culture.
Dinner with the Queen
Don’t you just hate endless social media posts of what people had for dinner? Well this is the story of a dinner with a difference after a chance meeting led to an exquisite taste experience with perhaps a touch of royalty thrown in
Legacy of War
Film maker & mountaineer Hans Ertl left a legacy with his inventions in photographing movement despite his involvement in the World War 2. His innovations still underpin the images of swimming and skiing which we see today
Podcast – Tyson Sadlo
A chance meeting, a meeting of minds and a passion for both travel and photography brings Tyson Sadlo to talk about his life with Newton & Coe. It’s an interesting journey dotted with gems to help you realise your photographic potential.
Book Review – Gaza Medic
Gaza Medic – A War Surgeon’s Story 2024 is a must read which hits you right between the eyes and makes you re-examine the Gaza war everything you thought you knew about the Israel/Gaza conflict
More messing about… father vs son
PART 2 of Messing about on the river – the adventure continues as we explore the canals and lakes, ending with the best fish and chips ever!
Messing about on the river
A slow adventure to decompress and recover my sanity takes us to the Netherlands and some time exploring the canals.
Toy Story
What is the connection between a plastic toy and the plight of so many species in the wild? Can the former help to save the latter or will rampant commercialism and human greed win.
Podcast – Charlie Hamilton James
Charlie Hamilton James is a world renowned photographer and wildlife filmmaker. His work fuses emotion with technical complexity, as a tool for evocative storytelling
The Wodaabe – Gerewol
The Wodaabe as well known for their unusual Gerewol ceremony where they choose a partner. Trevor Cole visits this festival to meet and photograph these otherwise reserved and modest nomads.
Access all areas?
If you love sport and love photography, it’s great to combine the two. However photographing a top level sports event is difficult, not least because many require accreditation. Does a visit to the British Open Golf offer accessible and photographable top level sport?
Podcast – Ellie Rothnie
Ellie Rothnie is a wildlife photographer with an unusual creative approach to photography. Find out more, how she started, her career in marketing and how that has proved useful in her photography career in this wonderfully enthusiastic chat with Newton & Coe
Yucatan explored
With Maya ruins, colonial architecture, biosphere reserves, jungles, hidden mangroves and spectacular cenotes, the Yucatan peninsula is a land of adventures and a photographer’s dream. Jeremy flint explores the region on foot, by boat and by bike.
The last of their kind
The world is changing rapidly but for many indigenous people this means the impending end of their long-lived cultures and traditions. Trevor Cole starts a new series with a look at two tribes from North East India.
An Atlas of Endangered Species
Every hour, three species disappear and our incredible world is at risk. In An Atlas of Endangered Species, author Megan McCubbin guides us through the facts and arguments. Here we review this book and its contribution to understanding the issues.
Podcast – Karim Iliya
Karim Iliya has a passion for the natural world from the smallest creatures to the biggest mammals. His photography and film making have taken him on some amazing adventures, but here, in his conversation with Newton & Coe you find out all about even more amazing ones still to come
The art of patience
Photography is about time and light. We often don’t have the time and the light is rarely right when we do. That’s where patience comes in. Making time yields benefits for photography, slowing down, observing and being more considered. This is especially true with digital cameras which encourage us to shoot more not shoot better. This is what happened when I knew there was an image but didn’t know what. It took patience and a year and a half to find it.
Same planet, another world -Gaza
The world is an angry place. Conflicts spill over into destinations affecting the travel industry but, more importantly, decimating people’s lives. Nowhere more so than in Gaza and Israel. Whilst western media report on what’s happening there, they do so whilst excluded from Gaza. Civilians are caught in the middle of the conflict. Feeling abandoned by the world, one Gazan describes life in a place without hope.
Autumn Fungi & Campfire Cooking
PHOTO WORKSHOP – Chris Coe is joined by wildlife and nature photographer, Ellie Rothnie, for a very special and unusual photo workshop. With bushcraft guides we’ll be finding and learning about fungi, then photographing them in autumn – macro and nature photography. In the evening we’ll be eating the edible ones on a campfire cooking session.