From the Oceans to the Moon

Karim Iliya is a photographer, filmmaker, whale swimming guide, and soon to be space explorer based in Iceland and Hawaii. His journeys have taken him into the depths of the oceans. Next destination – the moon! Karim will be on the up-and-comng Space X ‘Dear Moon’ rocket, adding to the list of only 24 people have flown to the moon.
He grew up in the Middle East and Asia where he developed a curiosity for the natural world which has taken him into the midst of exploding volcanoes, battling whale, ice worlds of the Arctic, and many of the fascinating places that humans and animals make their home.
Throughout his life, Karim has been fascinated by the hidden mysteries in our universe, from the smallest creatures and the deepest seas to the great vastness of space. Having worked in over 45 countries, won multiple awards, and been published in National Geographic Magazine for his humpback whale photography and BBC Earth for his video work, Karim recently co-founded Kogia, a non-profit media library and film team dedicated to ocean conservation.

In this podcast, he talks to Newton & Coe about his life, his photographer and filmmaking, his passion for nature – big and small, the Kogia project and, of course, that moon expedition.

KARIM ILIYA in conversation with Newton & Coe
Find out more about Karim on his website or follow on Instagram and Facebook
Click to explore Kogia’s Oceanic image library.
All images © Karim Iliya
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